Our Courses
Life Saving First Aid Education
Infant and Child First Aid Courses
Delivered in a relaxed, enjoyable environment to ensure you walk away confident in baby first aid, infant and child CPR, recognising illness in children and much more. All whilst having fun in the process. The course information covers what to do for newborns through to 8 year olds. Perfect for new parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, nannies, babysitters and friends (basically, anyone who cares for children).
Enjoy our infant and child first aid, CPR, health education course WHENever and WHEREver it suits you. Life can get busy. That doesn't mean you have to miss out on life-saving information and life-long skills! Our online course enables you to access all our course information from a web browser on any device that suits you.
Online Course
Nationally Recognised First Aid & CPR Courses
Help at Hand is excited to be able to deliver nationally recognised and accredited First Aid and CPR courses. We deliver engaging, fun and hands-on training to provide you, your business, school or organisation with knowledge and formal credentials to save a life.
No more tedious and dry first aid courses. Help at Hand is changing the way health information and accredidted courses can be delivered to ensure value is added to your work place. Find out more how your staff can walk away feeling confident in their ability and skills at home, at kids sporting games or in the work place.